Before you start
- Download required files from here.
- Create 'prj' folder for workplace and place files as below
prj (Created folder)
- svn (Subversion)
- zlib
- apr
- apr-util
- xml (apr-util has this folder)
- expat
- sqlite
- serf (Created folder)
- openssl
- serf
- scons
- nasm
- svn-win32-libintl
- gettext
- All target Platform is set to Win32.
- This post supplements INSTALL document from
1. zlib
- Open Visual Studio Solution file 'zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc14/zlibvc.sln'.
- On the toolbar, choose ReleaseWithoutAsm from the Solution Configurations list box.
(Asm version does not work correctly.) - Select zlibstat project and open project properties (Below is needed to work with subversion.)
- C++ -> Preprocessor -> Preprocessor Definitions : Remove ZLIB_WINAPI;
- C++ -> Code Generation -> Runtime Library : Set to Multi-threaded DLL (/MD)
- Build zlibstat project. This will create 'zlibstat.lib'
- Move 'zlibstat.lib' from 'zlib/contrib/vstudio/vc14/x86/ZlibStatReleaseWithoutAsm' to 'zlib/' for later use.
2. expat
- Extract 'expat' folder in source to 'apr-util/xml/expat/'
- Open 'apr-util/xml/expat/expat.sln'.
- On the toolbar, choose Release from the Solution Configurations list box.
- Select expat project and open project properties
- General -> Windows SDK Version : Set to <inherit from parent or project defaults> or Installed SDK version
- C++ -> Code Generation -> Runtime Library : Set to Multi-threaded DLL (/MD)
- Linker -> General -> Output File : Set to .\LibR\libexpat.dll
- Linker -> Advanced -> Import Library : Set to .\LibR\libexpat.lib
- Build expat project. This will create 'libexpat.dll' and libexpat.lib'
3. apr, apr-util, apr-iconv
- Open 'apr-util/aprutil.dsw'.
- On the toolbar, choose Release from the Solution Configurations list box.
- View -> Other Windows -> Property Manager
- Right click libaprutil -> Add New Project Property Sheet... -> Add
- Expand 'libaprutil' tree view -> Release | Win32 -> PropertySheet
- User Macros -> Add Macro
- Value : .\xml\expat\lib\LibR\libexpat
- Build libapr and libaprutil project
4. openssl
- Open 'Developer command prompt for vs2017'.
- Go to 'prj/serf/openssl' (In my case, Z:\prj\serf\openssl)cd prj\serf\openssl
- Add nasm folder to pathPATH=%PATH%;Z:\prj\serf\nasm
Modify 'openssl/Configurations/10-main.conf'
(Line 1299) "/MT /Zl"
=> "/MD /Zl"
(Line 1312) "/MT"
=> "/MD"Configure
perl Configure zlib --with-zlib-include=../../zlib --with-zlib-lib=../../zlib/zlibstat.lib no-shared enable-capieng VC-WIN32- Buildnmake
Move 'libcrypto.lib', 'libssl.lib' from 'serf/openssl' to 'serf/openssl/lib/' for later use.
4. serf
- Open 'Developer command prompt for vs2017'.
- Go to 'prj/serf/serf' (In my case, Z:\prj\serf\serf)cd prj\serf\serf
Modify 'serf/SConstruct'
(Line 143) allowed_values=('14.0', '12.0',
=> allowed_values=('14.1', '14.0', '12.0',
(Line 329) 'zlib.lib'
=> 'zlibstat.lib'
(Line 338) ['libeay32.lib', 'ssleay32.lib']
=> ['libcrypto.lib', 'libssl.lib']
(Line 346) '$OPENSSL/inc32'
=> '$OPENSSL/include'
(Line 347) '$OPENSSL/out32dll'
=> '$OPENSSL/lib'Configure & Build
..\scons\ APR=../../apr APU=../../apr-util OPENSSL=../openssl/ ZLIB=../../zlib LINKFLAGS=/SAFESEH MSVC_VERSION=14.1
5. Subversion
- Open 'Developer command prompt for vs2017'.
- Go to 'prj/svn' (In my case, Z:\prj\svn)cd prj\svn
- Add gettext folder to pathPATH=%PATH%;Z:\prj\gettext\bin
Modify 'svn/build.cfg'. Add following line in [libsvn_ra_serf] section
msvc-libs = Crypt32.libModify 'svn-win32-libintl/inc/libintl.h'. Add following line at the top of the file
#define LIBINTL_VERSION 0x00000e01- Copy 'prj/svn-win32-libintl/' to 'prj/svn/build/win32' (Subversion's build script cannot find this library correctly)
- --vsnet-version=2017 --with-apr=..\apr --with-apr-util=..\apr-util --with-apr-iconv=..\apr-iconv --with-zlib=..\zlib --with-sql=..\sqlite --with-libintl=..\svn-win32-libintl --with-serf=../serf/serf --with-openssl=../serf/openssl --with-static-openssl
msbuild subversion_vcnet.sln /t:__MORE__ /p:Configuration=Release