Before you start
- Download required files from here.
- Place wxWidgets and RapidSVN source files into the previous 'prj' folder.
- wxWidgets
- RapidSVN
- All target Platform is set to Win32.
1. wxWidgets
- Open Visual Studio Solution file 'wxWidgets/build/msw/wx_vc15.sln'.
- On the toolbar, choose Release from the Solution Configurations list box.
- Build solution.
2. RapidSVN
- Open Visual Studio Solution file 'RapidSVN/build/vc2005/rapidsvn.sln'.
- On the toolbar, choose Unicode Release from the Solution Configurations list box.
- Select librapidsvn project and open project properties.
- C++ -> Preprocessor -> Preprocessor Definitions : Remove snprintf=_snprintf;
- Repeat for libsvncpp and rapidsvn project.
- Select rapidsvn project and open project properties.
- Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies :
Replace wxbase30u.lib;wxmsw30u_core.lib;wxmsw30u_adv.lib; with wxbase31u.lib;wxmsw31u_core.lib;wxmsw31u_adv.lib; - Linker -> General -> Additional Library Directories :
Replace $(SUBVERSION)/lib/apr;$(SUBVERSION)/lib/apr-util;$(SUBVERSION)/lib/apr-iconv;$(SUBVERSION);
with $(SUBVERSION)/../apr/Release;$(SUBVERSION)/../apr-util/Release;$(SUBVERSION)/../apr-iconv/Release;$(SUBVERSION)/Release/build/win32; - Find '*.lib' files under svn/Release/subversion and move to svn/Release/build/win32.
- Copy apr-util/xml/expat/lib/LibR/libexpat.lib to svn/Release/build/win32.
- View -> Other Windows -> Property Manager
- Select librapidsvn, libsvncpp, rapidsvn and right click -> Add New Project Property Sheet... -> Add
- Expand 'librapidsvn' tree view -> Unicode Release | Win32 -> PropertySheet
- User Macros -> Add Macro
- Name : WX
- Value : ..\..\..\..\wxWidgets
- User Macros -> Add Macro
- Value : ..\..\..\..\svn
- C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories :
Set to $(SUBVERSION)/subversion/include;$(SUBVERSION)/../apr/include;$(SUBVERSION)/../apr-util/include - Build rapidsvn project.